Our Purpose
We specialize in cardiac CT and cardiac MRI. With this technology we are able to visualize the heart with better detail and improved diagnostic accuracy than standard cardiac imaging.
Our Team
Not only do cardiac imaging experts provide the latest in clinical imaging, we also strive to develop new imaging techniques in our research program.
Our Services
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Schedule an Appointment
Evanston Hospital:
Contact Serge Kulakoff at 847.570.2456, 847.773.5201 fax
Glenbrook Hospital:
Contact Jeanette Krause at 847.657.5766, 847.657.5975 fax
Highland Park Hospital:
Contact Gwen Ducasse at 847.480.2669, 847.480.2117 fax
Skokie Hospital*:
Call 847.933.6100
*Cardiac CTA is not currently offered at this location.
Related Resources:
Coronary Calcium Scoring

The arrow points to a bright area of calcium in the left anterior descending coronary artery.
Cardiac CTA

A coronary blockage is seen at the arrow.
The same blockage can been seen in different angles.
Cardiac MRI
Evaluating Heart Function. MRI function is the gold standard in evaluation of heart function which is of vital importance in cardiac problems. These pictures are obtained without IV contrast.
Abnormal Heart Function. This video shows that the tip of the heart no longer contracts normally as a consequence of a heart attack.


Healthy Heart
Seeing a Heart Attack. We can visualize heart attacks as bright areas after MRI contrast is given (see red arrows). Approximately, 13% of heart attacks go undetected by standard imaging exams.

Inflammation of the Heart. Not only can MRI visualize heart attacks it can also diagnose other causes of depressed cardiac function such as inflammation or fibrosis of the heart. The red arrows show areas of heart inflammation or myocarditis. No other cardiac test can detect this problem.
Cardiac Stress MRI
An Abnormal Stress Test. MRI perfusion has higher diagnostic accuracy than standard stress testing and involves no radiation. It is unique in that it can detect small vessel problems or “microvascular disease” which can affect diabetics and women. The top row of pictures show the heart under stress and the bottom row shows the heart under resting conditions. Abnormal blood flow is seen as dark areas along the inner cavity of the heart during stress. |