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Advocate and NorthShore Remain Committed to Merger

12/18/2015 - Advocate and NorthShore Remain Committed to Merger

Advocate Health Care and NorthShore University HealthSystem have announced that they intend to oppose a complaint soon to be filed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that challenges the creation of Advocate NorthShore Health Partners (ANHP).

"We remain steadfast in our commitment to come together for the betterment of the patients and communities we serve," said Mark Neaman, NorthShore President and CEO. "We believe that by bringing together our two organizations, we will lower costs, enhance care and expand access while driving innovation."

"Prior to embarking on this 15-month intensive effort, we recognized the magnitude of what was before us," said Jim Skogsbergh, Advocate President and CEO. "We laid out a detailed roadmap with the FTC on our plans to advance the delivery of care, improve quality and reduce cost.  Our commitment to elevate the model of care with new thinking requires an openness to new approaches in this fast and evolving marketplace."

The merger of the two systems will create a patient-centered, fully integrated delivery model to serve the Chicago area. By focusing on new health models, ANHP will work to improve the delivery of care to all of the patients and communities it serves.

"ANHP will add to the diversity and competition within the Chicago health care market as we introduce a delivery model that will improve outcomes while making care more affordable. At every step, this is a win-win for those who matter most – our patients," said Neaman.

"From small businesses to larger employers and insurance leaders to economists, we have received widespread support for this merger across our communities from day one," added Skogsbergh.

The FTC is expected to petition the U.S. District Court in Chicago for a preliminary injunction to prevent the merger from closing. Advocate and NorthShore will oppose the FTC’s request. A review by the Court may take three to six months.