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Lifestyle Medicine Programs

Living a healthy life starts with making healthier lifestyle choices. In our Lifestyle Medicine Programs, we work with our patients to help implement therapeutic lifestyle strategies to enhance quality of life, minimize symptoms and delay the onset of chronic illnesses by addressing root causes.

Scientific research demonstrates that many of the chronic illnesses associated with aging including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome, stroke, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis, may be prevented and even treated by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Patients with disorders related to stress and fatigue, autoimmune disease, PMS and menopause transition, and being overweight and obesity can also benefit from this unique therapeutic approach.

Healthy Transformations

Our group lifestyle program guides you towards a path to improved health and weight loss by helping you learn simple steps to develop sustainable lifestyle changes helping you feel better and reduce your risk of chronic diseases. Weight loss occurs as a by-product a balance of healthy eating, healthy living, physical activity and optimizing nutritional support. Group discussions are guided by our nutritionist & certified lifestyle educator. Meetings include physician and specialist presentations on core topics such as Nutrition for Healthy Heart, Exercise & Physical Activity, Healthy Sleep, Healthy Gut, Mindfulness & Stress Reduction, Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture. Complimentary body composition analyses are offered at the beginning and end of the program to help you measure your success.

First Line Therapy

Our comprehensive one-on-one lifestyle program begins with meeting one of our specialists to assess your current health, review your medical history and discuss goals. We measure your body composition (muscle-to-fat ratio) to help build a customized approach for your needs & track your progress. Your personalized therapeutic plan will consist of recommendations for healthy eating, healthy living, and physical activity, and targeted nutritional supplementation to help you develop sustainable healthy lifestyle habits. Bi-weekly Individual meetings with our certified lifestyle educator and nutritionist over the course of 12 weeks help our participants be successful in reaching their goals.

Clear Change Program

Exposure to harmful substances is an unfortunate yet unavoidable fact of modern life. These substances have potential to interfere with cellular function and our health causing symptoms such as fatigue, waking up un-refreshed, difficulty concentrating, mood and digestive imbalances. Clear change program is a scientifically designed program that enhances the body’s natural metabolic detoxification process by providing fuel to optimize these processes on a cellular level. Group meetings with our specialist and nutritionist provide you structured support which includes targeted nutrition for balanced metabolic detoxification, easy to follow eating plan, removing common foods that can increase internal burden, online support, and helpful lifestyle tips. 10 day and 28 day programs are available

Participants Remarks

  • "It worked! Easier to follow than any other program I've tried." DW
  • It was ALL inclusive. Loved physician speakers. Program clearly structured." CW
  • "I felt like it cleansed my system and jump-started a new, healthier lifestyle for me. It is possible to live without sugar." LO
  • "I've learned it IS possible to lose weight - when one has struggled for many years without success." WJ


For More Information
Contact Paulette Brody, RN, Program Director and Certified Lifestyle Educator at 847.657.3510 or download our brochure.