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NorthShore’s online source for timely health and wellness news, inspiring patient stories and tips to lead a healthy life.
By: Lauren McRae
You’ve probably heard of it, you’ve probably had it recommended and you’ve probably even searched the web for what it means: the anti-inflammatory diet.
It seems, however, that while everyone knows what is right for you, no two sources agree. Some eliminate nightshade vegetables, some eliminate gluten and a new dietary villain is being discovered in the news each week. It is not surprising then that just as not one size, medication, or style fits all, your requirements will be unique to you.
Diana Sandler, MD, Rheumatology at NorthShore, shares what some examples include:
Exercise in any amount is thought to be anti-inflammatory regardless if it helps achieve your target weight because it seems to invoke the body’s natural anti-inflammatory response.
At the end of the day, no internet source or well-meaning neighbor can know the strategy that’s right for your unique situation. Unless you have a specific directive, I tell my patients to shop only in the perimeter of the store:
If you need additional information or have questions, contact your primary care physician.