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Healthy You

Healthy Halloween Treats

Wednesday, October 17, 2018 8:32 AM

Some of our best memories at Halloween are from the end of the night competing to see who had the most candy. As kids it was awesome, but for parents that much sugar can be a frightening thought! To help cut back on sugar at Halloween, Registered Dietitian and Diabetes Educator Lynn Tucker, shares items you can pass out at classroom celebrations or for parties at home:


  • Orange jack-o’-lanterns. Use a permanent marker to make each orange a pumpkin.
  • Ghostly cheese. Use a permanent marker to draw ghost faces on the string cheese packages.
  • StrawBOOrries. Dip strawberries in white chocolate and use mini chocolate chips for eyes and a mouth.
  • Witches’ sticks. Gather mini pretzels in a baggy with one large pretzel sticking out of the baggie.
  • Apple mummies. Peel the skin in random spots* across the apple to make them look like mummies.
  • Frankinguac. Spread guacamole* out to look like Frankenstein’s monster and use blue (or black!) tortilla chips as his hair.

Remember, candy is delicious but not always nutritious. Moderation is key and don’t forget to brush your teeth!

*Add lemon or lime juice to prevent the snack from turning brown!