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Hot dogs, pizza, tater tots, chicken nuggets, ketchup and bagged chips – these high-fat, high-sodium and low-fiber foods are made available every day in some schools across the country. With over one-third of American children overweight or obese, packing a healthy lunch is a great way to help your children keep calories and fat under control, as well as provide the essential nutrients they need to grow and thrive.
Kimberly Hammon, Dietitian at NorthShore, shares some healthy lunch tips for how to include essential nutrients – vitamin D, calcium, fiber and potassium – into your kid’s packed lunch:
Vitamin D: Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to various cancers, including colon and breast, heart disease and depression. Vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium to maximize bone growth and strength.
What to pack?
Calcium: Calcium is an essential nutrient that helps build strong bones, but it also can help with heart rhythm, blood clotting and muscle function.
Fiber: Fiber can help prevent type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol. It also helps tummies feel fuller longer.
Potassium: Potassium-rich diets promote heart and muscle function, maintain fluid balance, energize and help build strong bones.
What do you pack to provide a healthy lunch for your kids?