Please note that these guidelines are designed to cover most of the reasons a person would be ineligible to donate blood, but are subject to interpretation by the blood bank on the day of the donation. Also, they only pertain to donations to be transfused into other people; guidelines are much less stringent for donations for one’s own use. Not all individuals who feel they may qualify will be eligible on scrutiny of their history. So if you have an eligibility question, contact us! 847.570.2242
General Health
Donors should be in good general health and feeling well, without common ailments like colds, coughs, or current or recent gastrointestinal illness (“stomach flu”) on the day of donation.
Individuals must be at least 17 years old to donate blood in Illinois.
Blood donors must weigh at least 110 pounds.
Active Infections and Antibiotics
Individuals should not donate if they are taking antibiotics for an active infection such as a bladder or respiratory infection. However, if antibiotics are being taken to control acne or to PREVENT an infection (e.g. chronic medication to prevent bladder infections or penicillin taken when having dental procedures) that is not a problem for donating.
Heart Disease
A history of coronary artery disease (angina, heart attack, bypass operations, or angioplasty), congestive heart failure, or significant disease of the heart valves may disqualify a person from donating. Asymptomatic “mitral valve prolapse” or a history of a heart murmur are not usually a problem.
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is not a problem if it is controlled by medication. The donor’s blood pressure limits are: systolic BP between 90 and 180 mm Hg; diastolic BP between 50 and 100 mm Hg.
Travel or Residence in Another Country
Travel to a country where malaria is a problem disqualifies a person from donating for three months. Some individuals who have lived in a malaria area may be deferred for 3 years. Please check with us!
Residence in the United Kingdom for 3 months or more (cumulative overall visits) between the years of 1980 and 1996 disqualifies an individual from donating because of concerns about “transmissible spongiform encephalopathy” (mad cow disease). Similarly, anyone who has spent a TOTAL of 5 years in France or Ireland between 1980 and 2001 cannot donate. Finally, transfusion in France, Ireland, or the U.K. since 1980 disqualifies a person from donating. Again, call us to be sure.
If there is a current epidemic somewhere in the world, other travel restrictions may apply.
A History of Cancer
Cancers of the blood or of blood cells (individuals with any form of leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease) permanently disqualify the donor. Those with solid cancers (breast, lung, colon, etc.) are deferred for 1 year if no chemotherapy was given; if you have had chemotherapy you are deferred permanently. Basal and squamous cell cancers of the skin, or in situ carcinoma of the uterine cervix are not a problem.
The following common conditions DO NOT DISQUALIFY a person from donating
Epilepsy (As long as seizures are controlled by medication, a person can donate.)
Asthma or allergies (As long as the donor is not currently symptomatic.)
High cholesterol or receipt of cholesterol–lowering drugs
Most immunizations (Exceptions; measles, mumps, polio, rubella, typhoid, chicken pox, smallpox and unlicensed vaccines disqualify donors for varying periods.)
The following conditions PERMANENTLY DISQUALIFY a person from donating
Diabetes requiring insulin (Diabetes controlled by diet or oral medications only is not a problem.)
A history of viral hepatitis after their 11th birthday
Receipt of a “dura mater” tissue graft (The dura is a thick membrane on the inside of the skull.)
A history of Chagas disease or Babesiosis (If you haven’t heard of these, don’t worry.)
Active Autoimmune diseases (Lupus erythematosus, severe rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Graves disease)
The following conditions disqualify a person from donating until they are resolved
Active tuberculosis (Individuals taking medication for a positive tuberculosis skin test are still eligible.)
Recent West Nile Virus infection (Donors must have been without symptoms for 8 weeks.)
Active Malaria (Donors must have been treated and symptom free for 3 years.)
Pregnancy (A woman must wait for 6 weeks after delivery before donating.)
The following MEDICATIONS disqualify a person from donating for the period of time listed
TegisonR (etretinate); PERMANENT
Human growth hormone; PERMANENT
Clotting factor concentrate; PERMANENT
SoriataneR (acitretin); 3 years
AvodartR (dutasteride); 6 months
ProscarR (finasteride) or Propecia; 4 weeks
AccutaneR (isotretinoin); 4 weeks
Aspirin; 48 hour deferral for PLATELET donation
The following risk factors for AIDS or Hepatitis disqualify an individual for the period of time listed
Men with a history of sexual contact with another man; 3 MONTHS
Use of a needle to take drugs, steroids, or anything not prescribed by doctor; 3 MONTHS
Receipt of drugs or money in exchange for sex; 3 MONTHS
Any positive test for HIV (AIDS virus); PERMANENT
Sexual contact or contact with blood or saliva with/from person with hepatitis; 12 MONTHS
Blood transfusion, tissue graft, or organ transplant; 3 MONTHS
Tattoo(exception: licensed tattoo parlor using single use ink containers), acupuncture, body piercing (exception: known use of disposable needles); 3 MONTHS
Accidental needle exposure or other exposure to someone else’s blood; 3 MONTHS
Treatment for syphilis or gonorrhea; 3 MONTHS
Spent more than 3 days in a lockup/jail/prison; 12 MONTHS
Sexual contact with a prostitute; 3 MONTHS
Sexual contact with a person at risk for hepatitis or AIDS for the above reasons; 3 MONTHS