The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (originally known as the Campus Security Act) requires colleges and universities to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses. Information about the Clery Act can be found at
The Cleary Act requires institutions of higher education to:
- Publish an annual report by October 1 that contains three years of campus crime statistics and security policy statements.
- Disclose crime statistics for the campus, public areas immediately adjacent to or running through the campus and certain non-campus facilities and remote classrooms.
- Provide timely warning notices of these crimes that have occurred and pose an ongoing threat to students or employees
- Disclose a public crime log of any crime that occurred on campus or was reported to the security department.
The Annual Security Report for NorthShore University HealthSystem (NorthShore) School of Nurse Anesthesia is prepared by the School in cooperation with the Department of Public Safety and the Evanston Police Department. Offenses occurring on the campus and public areas immediately adjacent to or running through the campus are classified using the FBI Uniform Crime Report (UCR) Part I Offenses. NorthShore School of Nurse Anesthesia is located in Evanston Hospital and does not operate any on-campus or off-campus housing or off-campus student organization facilities.
Campus Safety
NorthShore School of Nurse Anesthesia is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for students, faculty and staff. Everyone is expected to share responsibility for security on campus by immediately reporting crime, unsafe environmental situations, suspicious activity, and other public safety-related emergencies to the Department of Public safety and to use common sense when going about daily activities.
Department of Public Safety
The Department of Public Safety is responsible for campus safety. The primary goals of the Department of Public Safety are to create and assure a safe, orderly and secure environment. The campus is patrolled by officers on foot and in vehicles. Michael D. Potter is the Corporate Director of Public Safety for NorthShore, and Marc Peterson is the director of Public Safety at Evanston Hospital. Department offices are located in room B908.
Emergency Procedures and Crime Reporting
Non-emergency assistance can be obtained by dialing 772-2120. Any crime, emergency or suspicious situation should be reported immediately to Public Safety at extension 772-2120. Individuals should dial 911 for immediate emergency assistance. Victims or witnesses can report crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis; such confidential reports are included in the annual security report.
The Department of Public Safety maintains a log of all crimes and reported crimes that occur on campus or public property. The log is available for review in room B908.
To allow access to health care services, Evanston Hospital is an open campus. Certain areas have restricted access. All students, employees, and staff are required to wear a NorthShore issued identification badge. Visitors must have a dated visitors pass.
Property Control/Lost and Found
Items are held for 60 days, valuable property is held in accordance with the Illinois Department of Financial Institutions guidelines.
Campus Escort Service
Individuals may request a 24 hours escort by the department to the parking structure. Public Safety will jump start or unlock a car 24 hours a day and will contact an outside service for assistance with a flat tire.
Building Security
Public Safety officers conduct frequent checks of building interiors daily and routinely secure and unsecure areas based on static schedules. Facility Management maintains the buildings and grounds, including lighting, walks, roadways, and landscaping, and conducts routine checks of lighting on campus. Deficiencies in lighting (such as dim, obstructed, or non-operational lights) or other unsafe facility conditions (such as a broken window or lock) should be reported to Facility Management at extension 8989.
Timely Warning Notices
To help prevent crimes or serious incidents, the Department of Public Safety will issue a Safety Alert regarding certain crimes and safety issues in and around the community in a timely manner. On-campus safety, alerts will be issued via the public announcement system, posted on the Public Safety website or sent via email. When determined appropriate, flyers will be posted within selected areas on campus.
Color-Coded Emergency Codes
Immediate threats to safety (fire, hazardous materials, facility lockdown) will be announced via the Public Announcement System. The color code system is listed on the back of resident and staff identification badges.
Code Red Fire
Code Gray Behavioral Dyscontrol
Code Black Severe Weather Condition
Code Green Internal Emergency
Code White Bomb Threat
Code Purple Evacuation
Code Beige Emergent External Event Involving Chemical, Biological, or Radiological (CBR) Contamination
Code Lavender Facility Lock Down
Code Navy Armed Person
Dial 3199 to activate any of the above codes.
Alcohol and other Drugs
The School strives to maintain a drug-free environment to assure a safe, fair working environment for students, faculty and staff in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. Get Information on the Act »
The School requires that students be free from drugs and alcohol while on the campus. Students are prohibited from having possession of, being under the influence of, possessing in their body, blood or urine or using, consuming, transferring, selling or attempting to so any of the above. The legal possession, use or distribution of alcoholic beverages on the campus, is governed by applicable local, state, and federal laws.
Any student in violation of the policy will be subject to immediate disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the school, report to state licensing board(s), and complaint to local police authorities.
Harassment and Sexual Assault
NorthShore School of Nurse Anesthesia promotes a positive learning environment and will not tolerate verbal or physical conduct that harasses, disrupts, or interferes with the performance of students, faculty, or staff or that creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment.
The School does not tolerate sexual assault or harassment, such behavior is prohibited by federal and state law and school policy; trainees, faculty, and staff do not have to contend with insulting, degrading, or exploitative sexual treatment or remarks. Refusal to submit to sexual advances will not adversely affect an individual’s position in the school.
Sexual Harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual assault is any intentional or knowing touching or fondling by the accused, either directly or through the clothing, of the victim’s genitals, breasts, thighs, or buttocks without the victim’s consent. Sexual assault includes touching or fondling of the accused by the victim when the victim is forced to do so against his or her will and any nonconsensual acts involving sexual penetration of the sex.
If a sexual assault occurs, the crime should be reported to the Department of Public Safety who will assist the victim in notifying the City of Evanston police. The victim may elect to seek immediate assistance the Department of Emergency Medicine at Evanston Hospital. All forms of sexual assault and all attempts to commit such acts are likely to result in suspension or dismissal. Prosecution may take place in accordance with Illinois criminal law, independent of school actions.
Registered Sex Offenders
Information on registered sex offenders is available at and
Crime Statistics
Crime Statistics are provided for 2019-2021. Larceny is not included in the annual report.
For 2019-2021, there were no crimes of prejudice reported for the above categories of crime or for any crime involving bodily injury that indicated the victim was intentionally selected because of their actual or perceived race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or disability.
USDE Campus Safety & Security Website: Campus Safety and Security (
NorthShore Statistics PDF
Affiliated/Non-Campus - (i) Any building or property owned or controlled by a student organization that is officially recognized by the institution; or (ii) any building or property owned or controlled by an institution that is used in direct support of, or in relation to the institution's educational purposes, is frequently used by students, and is not within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area of the institution
Aggravated assault - An unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury. This type of assault is usually accompanied by the use of a weapon or by other means likely to produce death or great bodily harm. Attempted aggravated assault that involves the display of—or threat to use—a gun, knife, or other weapon is included in this crime category because serious personal injury would likely result if the assault were completed. When aggravated assault and larceny-theft occur together, the offense falls under the category of robbery.
Arson- Any willful or malicious burning or attempting to burn, with or without intent to defraud, a dwelling house public building, motor vehicle or aircraft, personal property of another, etc.
Burglary- Unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft. The use of force to gain entry is not required to classify an offense as a burglary. Burglary in the UCR program is categorized into three subclassifications: forcible entry, unlawful entry where no force is used, and attempted forcible entry.
Campus – (i) Any building or property owned or controlled by an institution within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area and used by the institution in direct support of, or in a manner related to, the institution’s educational purposes, including residence halls; and (ii) any building or property that is within or reasonably contiguous to the area identified in paragraph (i) of this definition, that is owned by the institution but controlled by another person, is frequently used by students and supports institutional purposes (such as a food or other retail vendor).
Drug Law Violation - Violations of State and local laws related to the possession, sale, use, growing, manufacturing, and making of narcotic drugs. The relevant substances include; opium or cocaine and their derivatives (morphine, heroin, codeine); marijuana; synthetic narcotics (Demerol, methadones); and dangerous nonnarcotic drugs (barbiturates, Benzedrine).
Hate Crime (bias crime) – A criminal offense committed against a person, property, or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin.
Housing - Residence halls or other university-owned residences.
Liquor Law Violation - Violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting: the manufacture, sale, transporting, furnishing, possessing of intoxicating liquor; maintaining unlawful drinking places; bootlegging; operating a still, furnishing liquor to a minor or intemperate person; using a vehicle for illegal transportation of liquor; drinking on a train or public conveyance; any attempts to commit any of the foregoing violations. This list does not include public drunkenness and driving under the influence.
Motor vehicle theft - The theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle. The offense includes the stealing of automobiles, trucks, buses, motorcycles, snowmobiles, etc. The taking of a motor vehicle for temporary use by persons having lawful access is excluded from this definition.
Murder and non-negligent manslaughter- The willful (non-negligent) killing of one human being by another.
Negligent manslaughter - The killing of another person through gross negligence
Public Property - Defined by the Clery Act regulations as all public property including thoroughfares, streets, sidewalks, and parking facilities that are within the campus, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. Includes the sidewalk across the street from the campus, but does not include public property beyond the sidewalk.
Robbery - the taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear.
Sexual Assault – any sexual physical contact that involves the threat or use of force or violence or any other form or coercion or intimidation; any sexual physical contact with a person who is unable to consent due to incapacity or impairment (including being asleep or under influence of alcohol or drugs).
Forcible sexual offenses
- Rape - Carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will. Assaults and attempts to commit rape by force or threat of force are also included.
- Sodomy - Oral or anal sexual intercourse with another person against their will
Non-forcible sex offenses – Incest and statutory rape.
Weapon Law Violation - The violation of laws or ordinances regulating weapons.
Evanston Hospital is located at 2650 Ridge; campus boundaries are Ridge Ave (East), Central (South), and Girard Ave (West). The Professional Building is located at 1000 Central and is directly across from the hospital on Central Ave and is connected to the hospital by a pedestrian walkway.
